Why Craft is Worldchanging
This morning Living on Earth (LOE) reviewed Worldchanging: A User's Guide for the 21st Century
(described as the Whole Earth Catalog for the 21st century) and talked about Worldchanging's founder, Alex Steffan, and his philosophy:
"Don't just live sensibly," he says, "Live well."
According to LOE, Steffan's
"Don't just live sensibly," he says, "Live well."
According to LOE, Steffan's
vision of the future isn't granola and porridge. It's what he calls "bright green": Creating and buying products and systems that are smart, sexy, sleek, and sustainable. . . .The LOE interview led me to the Worldchanging website--the precursor to the book--and I was immediately taken with the Jan. 26 post about Why Craft is Worldchanging . My favorite part is this:
Steffan says that "things are bad. Problems are huge. But despair is a trap. None of the problems we face are insurmountable. The biggest barrier to a bright green future may be entirely in our heads--we simply can't imagine it."
Craft is radical. In this age of corporate-driven mass-production, the act of an individual making a useful thing is radical. The act of buying a useful thing made by an individual is radical. It is akin to living off the grid: trading outside the big box.
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