Geeked about Fels-Naptha
More birthday goodies!
So does my brother know me or what?
He sent a whole CASE of Fels-Naptha Laundry Bar Soap as well as some lovely Olivella Face and Body Soap from Italy
Yep, I love good, old fashioned cleaning supplies. Like chocolate but without the calories. And not edible.
Fels-Naptha is a product of yesteryear which boasts, according to Soaps Gone Buy, "100 years of stain fighting power...."
Their listing of specialty uses and recipes includes details on using Fels-Naptha for
- Poison ivy prevention and treatment
- Cleaning the shower
- Reducing the itching and discomfort from bug bites
- Removing ink, grease, or a variety of other nasty stains
- Cleaning paint brushes
- A spring and fall lawn tonic
- An aphid spray and other insect control
- Treating black-spot fungus on roses
- Cleaning black powder guns
- Tanning hides
- Ridding pets of fleas and ticks
- Washing your face
I might also grate it for my homemade laundry soap.
My brother and I remember Fels-Naptha, along with Lava Hand Soap
Your grandmother used Fels-Naptha for everything that needed balancing out, absolute intervention,and included poison ivy, deep rashes and genral heavy-duty cleanliness.
Thanks, Dac. But who are you? And how do you know my gradnma?
It's Dad.... sorry about the misprint.
Ah! You type like I do! (See "gradnma" above....) I SO wish comments had spellcheck!
So does that mean you might want a case of Fel-Naptha for Father's Day?
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