Saturday, April 21, 2007

Seven Things Saturday, Week 8

Week Eight of the project: more linens go this week, plus a few random casualties.

A set of FOUR maroon and blue cotton placements and a set of TWO red and green cotton placements.

They are nice place mats, but we use tablecloths daily, since our table is too ugly for place mats only.

I have a minor anxiety about shedding these mats, since if I ever get around to painting the table (as I had planned to do last summer), I am going to want these place mats back. Hmmm.

In addition to not using placements regularly, another reason to get rid of these place mats is that I have matching fabric napkins (which we do use daily) that my husband has difficulty distinguishing from the place mats.

Did you know that British place mats are fundamentally different from American place mats? It's true. British place mats are hard, cardboardy things; American place mats are like mini-tablecloths.

Alan is British, and he sets the table. This explains is why I sometimes wind up with an American place mat in my napkin ring or on my lap.

So the place mats definitely go.

There is also ONE small runner with a Picasso-like print on it, given by my lovely surrogate grandparents in Japan. I think it was a gift or freebie that they didn’t want. I got some mighty nice stuff that way, but I have not used this pink runner for years (I now try to avoid decorating in cotton-candy pink) and have kept it because I was being sentimental.

There is ONE random fabric napkin (burgundy) which is much smaller than our other napkins and simply waits in the closet to be selected. It never is.

I also shed ONE large-ish length (a few yards?) of tartan/plaid material (poly/cotton broadcloth), which I have used as a Christmas tree skirt. But we no longer ever get a Christmas tree—we have no kids and usually travel at Christmas--and Alan doesn’t like chopping down a living tree for our seasonal amusement.

Then there is ONE rusty spatula which Alan has begged me to throw out. He doesn't like rusty kitchen implements, whereas I get attached to my favorites. But this one is actually cracked and about to break, so it goes in the garbage.

Lastly, I sold ONE music CD on Amazon: Africa: The Music of a Continent.

All except the cd and the spatula go to Salvy Army.

Total this week: 11

Total so far: 67


Stephanie said...

So, what's the story on that spatula?

Elizabeth said...

Sadly, no good story. It is large and metal, and I pefer it to the little, un-rust-able black plastic ones we have. I like cooking with cast iron, and for that I need a REAL spatula, not something made for whimpy teflon pans...