Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Thinking Blogger

I think this post is haunted. I have tried to write it three times and have lost it three times when I have hit "save." My third try was the best, and I am afraid this attempt will not be as eloquent, since I am now pissed off.

What I have attempted to write is that Bridget of The Ravell'd Sleave has nominated this blog for a Thinking Blogger Award.

Thanks, Bridget!

Blogging certainly has made me think. It forces me to live an examined life. Documenting what I do and why I do it, shaping text into themes and messages, rants and raves--this exercise has taught me much.

Now I get to nominate five blogs that make me think. This is hard.

I now read many blogs, but I read them for different reasons. I go to some blogs to laugh, to others to view beautiful things, to others to be silly. They do not all make me THINK, but a few do.

Here they are:

1. Surviving the Workday: Spirituality at Work: this was the first blog I ever read, having discovered that its author was a long-lost college friend. Ms T writes about important things--social, spiritual, personal things. She is my social conscience alarm clock. It was she who inspired me to try blogging.

2. Taoknitter: this is a window onto a very busy and hugely creative life. Ann has a very, very different life from my own, and yet there are moments of complete commonality and recognition. This is what is magical about friendships made through blogging: you discover treasure.

3. Ruth's Place: I came to Ruth's blog because she seemed to knit a ton of very nice things for South African orphans, and I thought she must be a very good human being. Hers is a craft blog interspersed with nuggets of living in a new country; negotiating culture, race, history; and now, happily, emerging motherhood.

4. Feministing: this is one that I should read more regularly but I forget to--or sometimes I wimp out. It is a blog of serious and important issues that are sometimes painful. Usually Ms. T steers me to posts that I should read.

5. Unsure. I don't want to force it, so I am open to suggestions and recommendations. Clearly, I need to think MORE.

Now each of the nominees gets to nominate, if they are so inclined. Here are the rules:

1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think

2. Link to the thinking blogger post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme

3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote


Bridget said...

I'm so glad your message finally posted, because these are some blogs totally new to me, and I can't wait to explore them!


Elizabeth said...

I fel thte same way reading your post! I've added The Panopticon to my sidebar. It's great.

Taoknitter said...

Wow, I am honored. Thank you very much...does this mean I can't re-nominate you!? I love your blog and always learn something new.

I have to catch up on my blog...and catch up on reading this one!

Stephanie said...

You're so cute! Thank you so much. I've had a few haunted posts, and sometimes I just give up. I'm glad you didn't.

I'll have to think about other thinking blogs....what an honor for you to say that, and I'm glad you are blogging, because I always enjoy reading your blog and learn something.